Today we lost a man that loved the Northwoods more than anyone I know. Mr. Brashler known as 1000 ISLAND CRAIG passed away this morning. If you ask ANY PERSON that knew him, not one individual would have a bad thing to say about this incredible man. Craig has had health issues, but that did not stop Craig, Carol and their dog Guinness from heading up north every chance they could. Their humble abode overlooked Mamie Lake where Craig could relax and recover after having different procedures.
He always told me, “Being here is all the therapy I needed”. I’ve never known a person that has been through so much and kept such a positive outlook like this man had. There are so many great story’s I could write, but with a heavy heart I can’t bring myself to do so at this time. Craig will truly be missed and the Northwoods will not be the same without him. All our love, thoughts and prayers go out to Craig’s loving wife Carol.
Craig, your pain and suffering is over and I’m sure you are playing a guitar with some of the musicians you loved to listen to. Let me end with your favorite phrase. WHOOP LETS HAVE SOME FUN.
Thousand Island Craig was certainly a man amongst men. He always had a smile and warm greeting for everyone he met. He will truly be missed.
You are 100% correct Chip; we can’t say enough good things about this man. Bents Camp will not be the same without Craig.
Bill you wrote that PERFECTLY! About the only two folks I know who loved “Alices Restaurant “ would be Craig and I. And Craig could play it! I think if you ever looked in an encyclopedia under the word “UNIQUE” Craigs picture would be there. He never ever gave the impression that things were worse than what we all thought. I will always miss you Craig. To Carol, his loving and dedicated wife, Im so sorry for your loss.
This is a lovely tribute. ❤️ My dad was one of a kind. I’m so grateful for the kinship he shared with countless people up in the North Woods. We are so happy that he and Carol became part of such a loving community. He may have been born in Chicago, but the chain has always been where his heart lived.
Peace and Love. -Lindsey Brashler
Lindsey, so sorry for your loss. Your farther is and will be truly missed.
Thank you for that wonderful tribute to my brother.
Jan, your brother was a great friend to not only me, but to so many people and the Northwoods will not be the same without him.
I knew Craig many years ago at Hanover College, where he was a fraternity brother of mine. Great guy. Sounds like he matured into a fabulous human being. RIP Brother, now a member of the Chapter Grand.
Yes Bruce, Craig was a great person