For those who visit ALLNORTHWOODS.COM, most of you know I work in the bait shop at BENTS CAMP a few days a week….
Northern Wisconsin fishing, animals, towns, supper clubs, and more
For those who visit ALLNORTHWOODS.COM, most of you know I work in the bait shop at BENTS CAMP a few days a week….
In all the years I have been fishing, I have only met two anglers that exclusively fish for trout. Both of these people…
Before you can drop a line through the ice, obviously you need to drill a few holes or 10. Depending on the ice…
Ask winter anglers what they are fishing for and usually it’s whatever they can catch, but panfish and Walleye are most common. But…
Last summer on the Cisco Chain of Lakes, fishing for nice size panfish had its ups and downs. Jumbo Perch were hit or…
Last winter I wrote ice fishing wasn’t for everyone and suggested that people should go ice fishing with friends before they spend money…
Monica and I have fished in bad weather many times because we were limited to our time on the water. We fished…
The shorter days, cooler nights and the changing color of leaves mean fall has arrived and lakes will turnover soon. As of…
Even though it is still 70 degrees for the next few days, it’s getting to be that time of year when we pull…
Come October, a few things change in the Northwoods. The nights get colder, boat traffic is cut in half, resort rentals go…