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For years I have heard many discussions and some flat-out arguments about what anglers should put on the end of their fishing line. The whole artificial bait verses live bait thing has been debaited (LITTLE JOKE THERE) for years. So, what’s better? Both have pros and cons, but I think it’s more about what you’re fishing for and how you are fishing to determine your choice of bait/lure. Do you prefer to fish with a bobber? How bout jigging? Or do you mostly cast? There is a reason lures look like live bait, and I know some will disagree with me, but NOTHING will out fish live bait, so let the debaiting (AGAIN, GET IT) begin. Ok, I’ll stop the debating thing.

FACT, while using live bait, you don’t have to simulate anything, because you have natural sight, movement and scent. FACT, you can cover more water in less time with lures. FACT, when live bait is approached, the bait will try to dart from the predator and that triggers strikes, but when using lures, if you’re fishing stained water, you never know when this moment will occur. FACT, some lures give more flash and vibration than live bait and this can cause a fish to follow and attack your lure. See where this is going?  There is no right answer, but there are some situations an angler has no choice but to use a lure, like Bass tournaments. Bass tournaments and (SOME) Muskie tournaments will not allow live bait to be used. Why? Could it make catching fish more challenging?  Because it evens the playing field, or an angler can fish a wider area in a shorter time? Answer, none of the above. Since the first Bass tournament, using live bait is prohibited because the people sponsoring these tournaments and passing out prize money were and still are companies that produce artificial lures, and they wanted to promote and sell their artificial lures.

Because of this (no live bait rule) in tournaments, Pro Bass anglers and Bass fishing amateurs alike, frowned upon other anglers using live bait and somehow believe fishing with live bait is cheating. Well, it’s not. Ask any pro fishermen/guides and 90% will tell you, given time, live bait WILL catch bigger fish and MORE fish than artificial bait. Remember, “BIG FISH EAT LITTLE FISH” end of story. Well, let the debaiting (I HAD TO DO IT ONE MORE TIME) begin.

Here’s the thing, when all is said and done, it’s a personal preference and it doesn’t matter how or what you catch fish with. To me, it’s about enjoying your time on the water, catching any species of fish and isn’t worth auguring about, right? Oh, one last thing. The pro fishing guys and gals won’t tell you this, but some use live bait when pre-fishing a lake with local guides a week before tournaments to find hot locations, just saying.